onsdag den 25. september 2013

Am I an evil?

I'm thinking about the fact that people look at me as I'm a kind of criminal. Maybe it's me who actually judge me and then it reflex in others. I don't have children, and yes it must ‘cause I have delayed that “fairytale” to “when I’m ready” It’s true I'm never been ready for it. It was because I never feel like it’s a goal in my life, and for the other way I'm not that soft and kind for children... And yes I have a dozen of excuse like this.

But I don't have the same feeling about it if I feel like I'm the one who decided it... But when the Mother Nature with her power in the form of two big “balls” in my ovaries, which are actually bigger than the ovaries... and the doctor say, "You have to get a surgery, but after that you maybe cannot get children" That is not what I expected ever, It's more ‘cause I always thought I have the control. But Do I have the control after all? I don't have the control; I don't have strength to think that things happen.

In the last couple years people are more and more insistent about (There are something wrong with you) When do you get children? or do you have children? After I answer with the obviously "not I don't" people look at me like "why?" that is the best ever can happen for a woman... But is it?

tirsdag den 7. maj 2013

Para ser honesta (o)...

Es una frase copiada de no recuerdo donde, pero que de alguna forma le da sentido a esa idea ridícula de pensar cuan honestos realmente nos atrevemos a  ser? con los demás y con nosotros mismos.

Mucha gente piensa (asegura) que es una tarea extrema llegar a conocernos a nosotros mismo, pero pienso en realidad que en el fondo se trata de ser mas honestos.

Algunas veces los sueños son tan reales que podemos pensar (sentir) que son verdad, pero a veces la realidad es tan ilusa que es como si fuera un sueño...

Pero igual aprender a ser honestos es quizás la vía de sentirnos mejor? Pero en el fondo no pues a veces incluso la mentira nos ayuda a tener empatía.

Yo olvido de verdad mas de la cuenta esto de simpatizar con los demás incluso atreviendome mas de lo normal a ser honesta...

Pero igual dejo pasar el tiempo pensando en lo que voy a decir la proxima vez para no quedar al descubierto.